Mastering Civ 6 kill a Unit With a Quadreme​: Outsmart Your Opponents

kill a unit with a Quadreme


In the world of Civilization VI, players must strategically plan their every move to gain an advantage over their competitors, be it through cultural dominance, diplomatic relations, or military conquest. One critical aspect of the game is naval warfare, and players are often faced with the challenge of using naval units to defeat enemy forces.

One particular quest that players may come across is the need to kill a unit with a Quadreme. This task can be both rewarding and challenging, as the Quadreme plays a unique role in the game’s naval hierarchy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore strategies, tips, and tricks to successfully kill a unit with a Quadreme and effectively utilize this naval unit in Civ 6.

Understanding the Quadreme in Civ 6

The Quadreme is a naval melee unit that appears in the Classical Era of Civ 6. It replaces the traditional galley seen in earlier Civilization titles and provides players with a stronger naval presence in the early game. The Quadreme’s primary function is to protect coastlines and harbors while engaging in melee combat with other naval units. Although it is not the most powerful unit in the game, mastering its use is essential for those seeking to dominate the seas.

Players often underestimate the power of the Quadreme due to its relatively low combat strength compared to more advanced units, but it can be an effective tool for those who know how to use it. To kill a unit with a Quadreme, players must first understand its capabilities and how to position it strategically.

killing units with a Quadreme

How to Unlock the Quadreme

Before you can start killing units with a Quadreme, you need to unlock the unit by researching the appropriate technology. In Civ 6, the Quadreme becomes available once you have completed the “Shipbuilding” technology, which is found early in the tech tree. Prior to Shipbuilding, you will likely be using Galleys as your primary naval unit. Transitioning from Galleys to Quadremes provides a significant boost to your naval forces, enabling you to expand your influence across coastal areas and waterways.

Preparing to Kill a Unit with a Quadreme

To successfully kill a unit with a Quadreme, you must approach combat with a well-thought-out strategy. Here are a few key steps to prepare:

  1. Build Multiple Quadremes: There may need to be more than one Quadreme to take down an enemy unit, especially if the enemy is more advanced or better positioned. Consider building several Quadremes to increase your chances of successfully eliminating enemy units.
  2. Scout Your Enemy’s Naval Forces: Before launching an attack, it’s essential to scout out the enemy’s naval capabilities. Send out your naval units to explore nearby waters and identify potential targets. Knowing the enemy’s strength and position will help you plan your attack.
  3. Upgrade Your Quadremes: Ensure that your Quadremes are upgraded whenever possible. Promote them to gain combat bonuses that can make a big difference in a battle. Also, keep your Quadremes close to your coastal cities to repair damage quickly.
  4. Positioning Is Key: To kill a unit with a Quadreme, you need to ensure that your Quadreme is in an optimal position to strike. Place your Quadremes near enemy units, but avoid rushing in headfirst. Take advantage of natural barriers and narrow channels to limit the enemy’s movements and increase your chances of success.
  5. Support from Land Units: If possible, support your Quadreme’s attack with ranged units or siege units stationed on nearby land. This additional firepower can help weaken enemy units before your Quadreme delivers the killing blow.

Killing a Naval Unit with a Quadreme

The most straightforward way to kill a unit with a Quadreme is by engaging in naval combat with an enemy unit of similar or lower strength. The Quadreme excels in melee combat, and although it is vulnerable to ranged attacks, it can hold its own against other early-game naval units. Focus on engaging weaker enemy vessels, such as enemy Galleys or unescorted embarked units. If the enemy unit is already damaged, your chances of successfully eliminating it with a Quadreme increase significantly.

When attempting to kill a unit with a Quadreme, make sure to attack from a favorable position. Using the Quadreme’s mobility, position it near the enemy unit while avoiding potential counterattacks. If the enemy unit is surrounded by hostile territory or has no way to retreat, you can easily box it in and deliver the final blow.

Killing a Land Unit with a Quadreme

One of the more challenging aspects of the game is the need to kill a land unit with a Quadreme. This task may seem daunting at first, but with the right strategy, it is entirely possible. In Civ 6, land units can become embarked when they cross water, making them vulnerable to naval attacks. It is where your Quadreme can shine.

To kill a unit with a Quadreme while it is embarked, you need to keep an eye on enemy land units that are trying to cross water. Embarked units have significantly reduced defenses, making them easy targets for naval units. Please wait for the enemy to embark and move their units across the water, then send your Quadreme in to deliver a powerful melee attack.

killing units with a Quadreme

Timing Your Attack

Timing is crucial when trying to kill a unit with a Quadreme. If you strike too early, you risk exposing your Quadreme to counterattacks, and if you wait too long, the enemy may retreat or upgrade their units. Look for opportunities where the enemy is vulnerable—such as when they are attempting to cross a narrow waterway or when their naval forces are spread thin.

In many cases, the enemy may not expect a Quadreme to be a significant threat, allowing you to catch them off guard. Please take advantage of this underestimation and strike when the enemy least expects it.

Utilizing Coastal Cities

Another effective strategy for killing units with a Quadreme involves utilizing your coastal cities. Cities located near bodies of water provide a strategic advantage when it comes to naval warfare. By building a navy of Quadremes and stationing them near your coastal cities, you can easily defend against enemy naval units attempting to raid your shores.

Coastal cities in Civ 6 also allow you to repair your naval units quickly. After a skirmish, retreat your Quadremes to a nearby seaside city to rebuild and regroup. It can help you maintain a 

powerful maritime presence while minimizing losses.

Promoting Your Quadremes

As your Quadremes engage in combat, they will gain experience points, allowing you to promote them and improve their combat capabilities. Promotions can make a significant difference in battle, especially when trying to kill a unit with a Quadreme. Some useful promotions include:

  • Embarked Defense: This promotion increases the Quadreme’s strength against embarked land units, making it easier to kill them.
  • Coastal Raider: This promotion increases your Quadreme’s strength when attacking coastal cities and improvements, giving you an edge in naval warfare.

Each promotion you give your Quadremes will help them become more formidable, improving your chances of successfully killing enemy units.

Combining Quadremes with Other Units

While the Quadreme is a powerful naval unit in its own right, it becomes even more effective when used in conjunction with other units. For example, combining Quadremes with ranged naval units like Archers or, later, with Frigates allows you to soften up enemy units from a distance before delivering the final blow with your Quadreme.

Additionally, land-based ranged units stationed near the coast can support your Quadremes by attacking enemy units from the shore. This combined arms strategy maximizes your combat effectiveness and increases your chances of killing enemy units with a Quadreme.

killing units with a Quadreme

Exploiting Enemy Weaknesses

In Civ 6, enemy civilizations often leave weaknesses in their naval defenses. Some civilizations may neglect their navy entirely, focusing instead on land-based warfare. In these situations, you can take advantage of their oversight by building up a strong naval force of Quadremes and using it to harass their coastlines.

Look for opportunities where the enemy has left their cities undefended or has weak naval units stationed in vulnerable positions. By attacking these weak points, you can easily kill enemy units with your Quadremes and gain control of critical waterways.

Protecting Your Quadremes

While the goal is to kill a unit with a Quadreme, it’s equally important to protect your units from enemy attacks. Quadremes are vulnerable to ranged attacks from stronger naval units like Caravels or ranged naval units like Frigates. If your Quadreme is isolated or exposed to a stronger enemy fleet, it may be destroyed before it can deliver a killing blow.

To protect your Quadremes, keep them close to your coastal cities, and consider escorting them with more powerful units like Caravels once you unlock them. Use the terrain to your advantage by positioning your Quadremes in narrow waterways where they are harder to surround.

When to Transition Away from Quadremes

As you progress through Civ 6 and enter later eras, the Quadreme will eventually become obsolete. More advanced naval units like Caravels, Frigates, and Ironclads will become available, offering significantly more combat power. While the Quadreme is an excellent unit for the early game, it is essential to upgrade your naval forces as new technologies become available.

However, even after transitioning to more advanced units, you can still use your Quadremes to kill weaker enemy units or to perform reconnaissance missions. Keep a few Quadremes around as support units to harass enemy units and control coastal areas.


In Civ 6, the task of killing a unit with a Quadreme can be both challenging and rewarding, especially in the early stages of the game when naval warfare begins to take shape. The Quadreme, while not the most powerful maritime unit, plays a crucial role in asserting control over waterways and coastal cities. By understanding its strengths and limitations, players can strategically use Quadremes to defeat weaker naval and embarked land units. Key strategies include:

  • I am building multiple Quadremes.
  • Scouting enemy forces.
  • I am using coastal cities for repairs.
  • Positioning units effectively for combat.

Additionally, supporting Quadremes with ranged units and taking advantage of enemy weaknesses can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Promotions and upgrades further enhance the effectiveness of Quadremes, making them formidable tools for coastal defense and offensive maneuvers. While eventually replaced by more advanced naval units, the Quadreme’s value in the Classical Era and beyond should not be underestimated. Mastering how to kill a unit with a Quadreme involves careful planning, tactical positioning, and exploiting enemy vulnerabilities, all of which are essential for gaining an advantage in naval warfare. By applying these strategies, players can turn their Quadremes into pivotal forces in their pursuit of maritime dominance and victory in Civilization VI.

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